Interesting people that I proactively interacted with this week on Boot Camp

Julius Nyule
3 min readAug 23, 2018


A short, intensive, and rigorous course of training or a military training camp for new recruits, with very harsh discipline if you would like to say.

That is the meaning of a boot camp that I could get from google. Yeah, everyone who made it to the boot camp would tell you it is truly a very a rigorous and intense moment. Once you join the boot camp you’re sure of no or very little hours of sleep if you’re lucky because all the time you’re working under pressure. You will be tested on a bunch of things on the boot camp process and at one point they will break you and this is the time you need to be strong for you to progress or your dreams of joining Andela dies right there.
This is the 3rd day of my first week of boot camp and I can surely feel the pressure. One of the good things or the most interesting thing about this boot camp process is the people you get to interact with at every moment. They are simply amazing! Everyone at Andela is awesome that is all I can say.
Starting with my teammates from Orcas team to our LFA have a bunch of interesting things that we share in common.
First, I met Abraham Ogol, an LF who is super amazing from the way he handles things to his dreams and his passion as a person. One of the amazing things Ogol has is helping people especially the young people grow in their different en-devours. He is friendly, he likes smiling all the time even when he is addressing a serious issue.
Ian Mwangi is a super fun dude. He is a guy with a positive energy. He is interesting and good in building a relationship. Ian listens to Hip-hop music and he is a Dr. Dre fan. He has every Drake’s new song on his laptop. He also loves messing around with electronics. He can fix your broken fridge, hit him up if you have a broken electronic in your house and he will sort you out.
Sylvance Mbaka, our LFA for week one. Sylvance is that kind of a cool guy you would always love to hang around with. He loves history. He also likes playing pool table, try him and I don’t know how good you’re at playing pool table but I am sure he will thrash you properly. He is a good mentor as well. Sylvance loves coding and he likes unblocking other people who are stuck.
Then, there is Linda Mbugua, a cool and down to earth lady that I met. She is good at building relationships. Linda also knows Germany and French. Slack her for classes if you’re interested in learning some Germany. She loves the money market and she has a good experience in trading bonds. Linda loves cooking Biriani too since she has spent some good amount of her life at Mombasa. She has an interest in Data Science too and she is looking into getting there in the future by becoming a professional software developer. All the very best Linda!
If I had a chance I would tell the interesting things about the rest of the Orcas team members but let me keep that story for another day. I feel very great having these members on my team. You learn a new thing or two every day from these amazing team members. I wish them the very best and I hope we will all join the Andela Fellowship. God help us.

